
Junyi (Kevin) Ma

PhD candidate @IRMVLab
Shanghai Jiao Tong University

About Me

I am a PhD candidate in IRMV Lab at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, supervised by Prof. Hesheng Wang. I obtained my B.S. degree in vehicle engineering from the Beijing Institute of Technology in 2020. Prior to this, I completed my bachelor thesis under the guidance of Prof. Oliver Dürr (Konstanz University of Applied Sciences). I received my M.S. degree in Intelligent Vehicle Research Center at the Beijing Institute of Technology in 2023, supervised by Prof. Guangming Xiong and Prof. Xieyuanli Chen (National University of Defense Technology). Besides, I also interned at Haomo AI Technology Co., Ltd. in 2022 and 2023, working on place recognition and occupancy forecasting for autonomous driving. Currently, I am dedicated to exploring cutting-edge technologies related to robotics.

Research Interests

If you think we have opportunities to collaborate on some innovative ideas, please feel free to contact me via junyi.ma@sjtu.edu.cn.


SELECTED Publications

HOI Prediction

Place Recognition and SLAM

Point Cloud and Occupancy Forecasting


Other Contributions



Teaching Experiences



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